A move, and an upgrade for Fitzgerald Photo

Fall is generally my busiest time of year—lots of clients needing to close out projects before year’s end—and so this year, I thought:  “Why not make it even busier?”  So, I moved out of the super-awesome downtown Portland studio I’ve shared with my lovely wife and talented photographer Beth Fitzgerald (of the Maine Wedding Company and Blush Imagery) for the past four years and….moved into a new, super-awesome downtown Portland studio.


Beth and I are known for doing crazy things when we probably shouldn’t—like ripping out our kitchen in the middle of winter just because we were bored that weekend.   This time around, though, we planned a bit better.   This fall marked the start of kindergarten for our daughter Maggie, and in anticipation, Beth transitioned to working out of our home office while I hit the bricks in a search for a new studio space just for me.

It wasn’t easy, and my broker definitely did not get paid enough.   The pressure was on to get something on par with our last studio, which Beth found and decorated for us.   Nailed it.  As cool as our old studio was, my new Pearl Street studio has many advantages.   It’s not just the high, 14-foot-high ceilings, the 8-foot-high windows or the exposed brick wall.  Nah.  What really sold me was something not even in my studio, but down the hall:  the elevator.  As a photographer who does a lot of work on location, that’s a feature that just makes my life…better.    To top it off, I have parking right outside my door and the location (although I’ll miss the Portland Pie Company, I ate WAY too much of their pizza) is closer to many of my clients.   Not to mention, coffee.  And the police station, just in case.

I’m all moved in now, and have had a number of shoots here already.  I’m still figuring out the angles, but it’s fun doing so.   I’ll host an open house after the first of the new year.   Until then, enjoy the photos and if you’re in the neighborhood, stop by the Fitzgerald Photo Studio!   If I’m not here, at least you can enjoy the elevator.

Portland Maine Commercial Photo Studio
High ceilings mean….happiness.


Maine Commercial Photo Studio


Portland Maine Commercial Photo Studio


Portland Maine Commercial Photo Studio



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