Now that’s a cool Christmas gift!

It’s the end of the year, which means that it’s time for gifts!  I think I’ve mentioned I have the best clients…ever.  I got a good reminder of this when Jondi from the Maine Eye Center knocked on our studio door last Wednesday.   She was bearing a cool hand-made wooden box with a sliding top that, when opened, revealed a bunch of holiday goodies…all Maine-made, of course (see above for my hasty iPhone capture of the loot).   First was a monthly calendar featuring the work of local artist Erin Flett of studio e flett design.   My wife Beth loves her design work and recognized it immediately.   I immediately went to the peanut brittle, made by Sugar Hill Baking Company.  I was about to go monkey on the large plate of brittle, but noticed at the last minute the small wooden mallet and accompanying safety goggles.   Turns out there was a method to this madness.  I put on the safety gear, readied the mallet, and let ‘er fly.   After enjoying way too much of the treat I noticed that the box and mallet were made by Mainer Richard Holman.    Kind of a nice icing on the cake to see that everything was made locally.

Thanks, Jondi and Maine Eye Center!   Not only were these guys a treat to work with throughout 2010, but they are a class act, too.    Of course, now that ups the ante for me for next year…how do you top homemade peanut brittle and a hammer?


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