Kind words and fun spaces…

Commercial photographers operate in a world without a lot of immediate positive feedback. When a client likes what you’ve done, they’re less apt to say anything than if you’ve not met expectations. It’s hard to talk about your work as well, since you may have to wait until the images are used or published by the client. That’s why it’s been a fun week at Fitzgerald Photo HQ.

A couple of our images were published in the current, October issue of Portland Magazine (that’s the space formerly occupied by Via Marketing, above, plus an image of the LEDA (Leslie Evans Design) space in Portland. Nice reproduction! I also got a great recommendation from Pelland Advertising, a firm that is doing work for a client of mine who I really enjoy. It’s lengthy, but I’ll include the entire recommendation. I think it speaks to why an experienced professional photographer is still relevant even in this age of inexpensive digital cameras and cheap (but generic) stock photography:

“Pelland Advertising produces websites and print advertising for small business clients in the travel and tourism industries. Having retired from providing on-location photography as one of our service offerings, I have a demanding eye and extremely high standards. Unfortunately, in these days of Photoshop and forgiving Web resolution standards, when we rely on clients to provide their own photos, we are almost inevitably handed the project’s weakest link.

When a new client in Maine needed on-location photos and waited to beyond the last minute, I helped to review portfolios of local photographers, in an attempt to assist the client in making the right choice. Brian’s portfolio spoke for itself. We downloaded the results of his shoot late last week, and I immediately assured the client that she had made the right choice.

Brian’s work is simply excellent. Each shot is skillfully composed, properly exposed, crisp, and engaging. There is no middle ground when it comes to photography. I frequently hear wannabe photographers describing themselves as “semi-pros”. Brian’s work makes it clear that there is no such standard. There are pros and there are hacks, and Brian is a pro by every standard of measurement. If you need a photographer in Northern New England, I would encourage you to engage Brian’s services. If you are outside of the region, try to persuade him to take on the assignment and cheerfully pay his travel expenses. His work is that good!”

I love it when my clients get more than they expected…and I really love it when I can work with other professionals to provide a complete solution to help solve my clients’ issues.

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