I spend a lot of time online and see a lot of very cool things related to photography, Maine, multimedia, Portland and the like. I thought I’d share a few of the cooler links from time to time, and Fridays are a good day to do it, being the end of the week and all. How any work gets done on Friday afternoon, I’ll never know….
Think First Social Media and tribe-building from Out:think
Camera Cake New social media site for and by professional photographers
Photoshelter Blog Even if you don’t use the Photoshelter service, you’ll find something of value on their frequently-updated blog
Portland Food Coma You may enjoy food, but trust me—not as much as Maine Magazine food editor Joe Ricchio. His voice is entertaining, irreverent and worth a read.
Inspire Portland Yes, it’s a bit self-serving—but what Colleen Wainwright calls my allotted ‘5%’. Plus, I think you’ll think it’s cool.
The Art of Non-Conformity blog by Chris Guillebeau. You’ve got to just check it out. There’s a cool writeup about a cool Mainah there today.
Nate Damm The cool Mainah mentioned above. He walked across America. All of it. What did you do this summer?